Team: Tanuja Mishra, Umeed for Women, Rutuja Shebe, Aheli Lahiri, Dharavi Diary, Manzil Mystics
The sudden nationwide lockdown due to Covid-19 led to unforseen job losses and displacement among marginalized communities in India. There were many migrant workers and daily-wagers, sex-workers and orphan children who were facing threats to life and liberty. This initiative was an attempt to help them with at least one critical need – food safety.
We created a platform to leverage the untapped potential of citizen change-makers to help with the crisis. We enabled them to reach out to their networks and communities and aggregate charitable donations that could then be directed towards purchasing food for distribution. Finally, we engaged with local NGOs with entrenched logistical capabilities to distribute the donations.
Donation ecosystem and logistics flow
Donation Platform
Impact in Mumbai and Delhi
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